I Want To sing Day 1

Today is the day I go on a journey which will be a major part of my life for the next year. It's a journey that will aid me in my musical growth. I dreading it and looking forward to it at the same time. I will probably embarrass myself a lot over the next year but as long as I stay motivated and consistent I believe I will achieve something to be proud of in the end.

So I Started of with the song 'True colours'. I wanted to practice something I was familiar with and not too difficult so I chose this song. I didn't really do it justice, but as it is my first time singing in public (and I am quite the amateur) I will allow myself a few weeks/months teething period.

I will score how I think I did out of 10 and you guys can too!
Also I will compile the songs I think I sang well at the end of every month as a summary.

Song: True Colours

Score: 3/10